Setelah Suster Keramas, kini giliran film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan yang dibidik Majelis Ulama Indonesia atau MUI. Film yang dibintangi personel Trio Macan ini terancam tak bisa tayang di bioskop Indonesia lantaran dinilai mengumbar maksiat. Namun, pihak produser tetap yakin, filmnya akan diputar sesuai jadwal.
"Memang saya dengar ada kritikan dari MUI karena film ini tidak layak untuk tayang, tapi kan film ini sudah mendapat surat kelolosan sensor. Jadi, sejauh ini tidak ada masalah karena memang film ini pure film komedi horor dan saya buat khusus untuk dewasa," ucap KK Dheraaj, pemilik rumah produksi K2K Productions ketika dihubungi melalui telepon genggamnya, Rabu (27/1/2010).
KK Dheraaj menjelaskan, secara keseluruhan, film yang juga dibintangi Andi Soraya dan Tessa Mariska itu telah rampung dikerjakan. "Secara keseluruhan filmmya akan tampil seperti itu (trailer) dan sekali lagi film itu khusus dewasa," tegasnya lagi.
Mengingat film tersebut dikhususkan sebagai film dewasa, KK Dheraaj mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan mengikuti pola penjualan tiket yang pernah dilakukan oleh produser film Suster Keramas. "Kami akan memberitahu kepada semua pengelola di bioskop agar penonton yang ingin menyaksikan Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan harus menunjukkan kartu tanda penduduk (KTP). Kalau ada penonton di bawah umur, maka tidak boleh menonton," tegas KK Dheraaj
Selasa, 02 Februari 2010
Kamis, 17 Desember 2009
komunity cild pank
In the winter of 2009 editor, author, and activist Anne Elizabeth Moore was invited to live to Phnom Penh to teach Cambodian young women how to make zines. She plans to return December 24th to continue her ongoing project. We think this is awesome. We want to help her out and hope you do too. Everyone has drama happening around the holidays and we all know drama makes for good stories. Send us your true stories of familial (or otherwise) conflict taking place around the holidays and we will then choose the best ones for publication in zine format entitled “Holiday in Cambodia: a Collection of Holiday Stories for a Good Cause”. There will be an open fee for submissions, meaning submitters are encouraged to send whatever they think is a fair submission fee. Could be zero dollars, could be $100. Yup, just like the Radiohead thing. This book will be available to purchase for $10 on January 31st, 2010 at All proceeds from sales, as well as submission fees, will go to Anne’s amazing work with young Cambodian women. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Please keep the stories under 3000 words. Only one submission per person. True stories only. If you have to change names or bend the truth here and there to make for a better story then that’s cool but we don’t want any Santa’s or Frosty’s or Hanukkah Harry’s showing up to the party. Deadline is January 15.
SUBMISSION PROCESS: Login to and click the “Send Money” tab. Payment of your chosen submission fee should be sent to Once paid, email your submission to (in Word or .rtf format) from the same email address associated with your Paypal account, or from a different account clarifying who you are and what email address the payment went through. Then kick your heels up by the fireplace, sip some eggnog and wait to hear back from us. If you’re interested in donating directly to Anne’s project click here.
Anne Elizabeth Moore’s book, Unmarketable: Brandalism, Copyfighting, Mocketing, and the Erosion of Integrity (The New Press, 2009), received favorable reviews from Forbes, The LA Times, and The Guardian. Co-editor and publisher of now-defunct Punk Planet, founding editor of the popular Best American Comics series from Houghton Mifflin, Moore’s work has been the subject of films, college lectures, and police investigations. She teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
For more information on her work in Cambodia, click here. For more info on “Cambodian Grrl: Self Publishing in Phnom Penh”, a 36 page collection of essays concerning Moore’s previous experiences teaching a large group of young Khmer women self-publishing in Cambodia, click here.
SUBMISSION PROCESS: Login to and click the “Send Money” tab. Payment of your chosen submission fee should be sent to Once paid, email your submission to (in Word or .rtf format) from the same email address associated with your Paypal account, or from a different account clarifying who you are and what email address the payment went through. Then kick your heels up by the fireplace, sip some eggnog and wait to hear back from us. If you’re interested in donating directly to Anne’s project click here.
Anne Elizabeth Moore’s book, Unmarketable: Brandalism, Copyfighting, Mocketing, and the Erosion of Integrity (The New Press, 2009), received favorable reviews from Forbes, The LA Times, and The Guardian. Co-editor and publisher of now-defunct Punk Planet, founding editor of the popular Best American Comics series from Houghton Mifflin, Moore’s work has been the subject of films, college lectures, and police investigations. She teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
For more information on her work in Cambodia, click here. For more info on “Cambodian Grrl: Self Publishing in Phnom Penh”, a 36 page collection of essays concerning Moore’s previous experiences teaching a large group of young Khmer women self-publishing in Cambodia, click here.
komunitas honda grand
Ratusan komunitas yang tergabung dalam Indonesia Community Expo 2009, Minggu (22/11), di Senayan, Jakarta, menyerukan gerakan moral pentingnya keselamatan lalu lintas jalan.Seruan yang dibungkus dalam Deklarasi Keselamatan Jalan itu merangkum tiga aspek penting:- Mengajak para pengguna jalan di seluruh Indonesia untuk lebih bertanggung jawab dengan saling menghargai serta bersahabat dan santun di jalan.- Mendorong peningkatan ketaatan pada aturan lalu lintas serta mendesak polisi lebih tegas dan konsisten menegakkan peraturan lalu lintas. - Mendesak pemerintah menyediakan moda transportasi publik yang aman, nyaman, dan terjangkau masyarakat luas.Beberapa komunitas yang ikut menandatangani naskah Deklarasi antara lain Independent Bikers Club (IBC), Pulsarian, Honda grand
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